Yoga en Star Trek: aparte vakken!

Uiteraard kun je op de colleges en universiteiten (het verschil tussen die twee leggen we hier uit) in ons programma vakken volgen uit de bekende hoeken: economie, Engels, biologie, en noem maar op. Maar wat juist zo leuk kan zijn aan een tussenjaar is dat je de meest bijzondere vakken kunt uitproberen. Vooral de Amerikaanse universiteiten staan erom bekend de meest uiteenlopende vakken aan te bieden. Ter inspiratie vind je hier een lijstje aan aparte, gekke maar ook hele leuke cursussen die voorkomen in het aanbod van scholen uit ons college programma!

Anthropology and Science 190: Yoga Practices: From Banaras to Beverly Hills

Yoga practices have recently gained dizzying popularity in the U.S. But how has yoga changed and transformed over time? How might we contextualize yoga practices in India and globally? This course is divided into two parts. First, we will do a close reading of philosophical texts about yoga, such as The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Second, we will examine yoga practices, including processes of commodification and popularization of yoga in the West. (School: UCSD)

Anthropology 445: Culture, Gender, and Race in Sports

Intersection of culture, gender, and race through sports in Europe, Latin America, and North America at amateur, community-based, and professional levels. Consideration of sports’ participation and fandom and how gender, nationality, and race affect those processes. (School: SDSU)

Biology 133: Planet of the Apes: Evolution and Ecology of the Great Ape

The great apes are our closest living relatives and their ecology and evolution provide insights for human evolutionary history and perhaps ideas about how to coexist with them. The course examines the natural history, behavior, ecology, and life history of each of the great apes including orangutans, gorillas, bonobos, and chimpanzees. We will also consider conservation issues facing wild great apes, the welfare of apes in captivity, and ethical debates on ape “personhood.” (School: UCSD)

Design 101: Design of Everyday Things

A project-based course examining how principles from cognitive science apply to the design of things simple (doors) and complex (new technology). Learn about affordances, constraints, mappings, and conceptual models. Learn observational and design skills. Become a human-centered design thinker. (School: SDSU)

Exercise and Nutritional Sciences 139A: Beginning Rock Climbing

Two hours of activity. Rock climbing concepts and theories. Active participation using beginning techniques and training concepts. (School: SDSU)

Global Health 139: Native American Health and Healing

This course examines fact and fiction with respect to epidemics of contagious diseases including smallpox and tuberculosis, alcohol and drug dependency, diabetes and obesity, depression and suicide. We analyze health care with respect to the history and development of the Indian Health Service, health care efforts by Christian missionaries, tribal-led health initiatives, indigenous spiritual healing, and collaborations between indigenous healers and biomedical professionals. (School: UCSD)

History 537: Star Trek, Culture, and History

Explores relationship between Star Trek’s several television series, movies, novels, and the larger historical and cultural context of post-World War II America. Themes include race, gender, sexuality, foreign policy, terrorism, religion, and politics. (School: UCSD)

Linguistics 243: Invented Languages – Klingon and Beyond!

Invented languages such as Klingon and Esperanto are the medium for engaging linguistic theory and diversity. The art, ideas, and goals behind invented languages will be explored using diverse current and historical sources from literature, the Internet, film, and video games. (School: SDSU)

Political Science 104: Railroads and American Politics

The railroads transformed the economy and politics of the United States in the nineteenth century. The railroads were the first big businesses, and their sheer size led inevitably to conflict with governments at all levels. This conflict shaped modern politics. (School: UCSD)

Political Science 129: How to Steal an Election

Examine the role of elections in new and fragile democracies, explore how politicians construct elections to suppress increased levels of democracy, the techniques used to undermine free and fair elections, and the strategic responses to these actions by domestic/international actors. (School: UCSD)

  • 35 jaar ervaring
  • 100% Nederlandse organisatie
  • Onafhankelijk dus objectief
  • Persoonlijke benadering
  • Maatwerk, zakelijk of privé
  • Studies en taalreizen wereldwijd
  • Kwaliteit gegarandeerd
  • Complete service van A tot Z